Despite the rain, folks gathered along Park Avenue and Thunderegg Boulevard in Nyssa for the Nyssa Nite Lite Parade on Saturday, Dec. 7. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
NYSSA – Nyssa’s annual Nite Lite Parade lit up the town with a dazzling array of holiday themed floats on Saturday, Dec. 7.
The event, put on by the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, included a retinue of decorated vehicles and horses.
The parade made its way down Park Avenue before turning down Thunderegg Boulevard.
Despite the rain, several people turned up to watch the parade as it made its way through town.
A parade participant trots through town on her decked out horse at the annual Nyssa Nite Lite Parade on Saturday, Dec. 7. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
A holiday themed float rolls through town at the annual Nyssa Nite Lite Parade on Saturday, Dec. 7. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
Parade participants move through town at the annual Nyssa Nite Lite Parade on Saturday, Dec. 7. (The Enterprise/Joe Siess)
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