
PHOTO GALLERY: Game photos from Adrian/Jordan Valley’s title match

Conley Martin attempts to elude a St. Paul defender in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Kort Skinner turns upfield after catching a pass in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Conley Martin eludes a St. Paul defender in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Michael Babcock catches a pass in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Clay Ready recovers a St. Paul fumble in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Clay Ready stops a St. Paul player in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. In a controversial call, the St. Paul player was declared not down. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Logan Vickers wraps up a St. Paul defender in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Kort Skinner turns upfield after catching a pass in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Conley Martin exploits a hole in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Michael Babcock takes a handoff in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Wes Bayes fires up a teammate in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Kort Skinner catches a pass the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Conley Martin heads up field in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

Conley Martin hits heavy traffic in the 1A football state title game on Saturday, Nov. 30, in Hermiston. Adrian/Jordan Valley beat St. Paul 38-32. (Angie Sillonis/Special to the Enterprise)

RELATED LINK: Photos of fans at the game


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