(The Enterprise/File)
VALE – A class act from Munich, Germany, is coming to Malheur County.
The Arcis Saxophone Quartet will perform in Ontario on Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Meyer-McLean Performing Arts Theatre at the Four Rivers Cultural Center.
The award-winning ensemble will hit the stage at 7 p.m. and play until around 9 p.m.
The quartet debuted in Moscow, Russia, and then went on to play for audiences around the world.
Janet Komoto, president of Community Concerts of Treasure Valley, said that the group was selected from out of about 60 different groups who all performed for around 12 minutes at a booking conference in Eugene last year.
“What we try to do is bring in world class musicians, musicians that are really on top of their game,” Komoto said. “We bring in people who are really, really good.”
The quartet also will perform for area students in a student outreach concert on Oct. 24. Community Concerts of Treasure Valley received a grant to bus area students to Ontario for the special concert.
The student concert provides students a theatre experience and a chance to learn about instruments that they might not have otherwise heard before, Komoto said.
Komoto said that the quartet was chosen because it sounded interesting.
“They are very young and very energetic,” Komoto said.
Adult tickets cost $20 and can be purchased on the Community Concerts of Treasure Valley Facebook page.
Komoto added that the concert season will be full of world class music and entertainment, including Russian instrumentalists, aerialist acrobats from Oregon, and a performance by American country singer and songwriter Carlene Carter.
News tip? Contact reporter Joe Siess: [email protected].
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