NYSSA – It will be busy this weekend in Nyssa with the Senior Center Yard and Bake Sale and M&W’s 67th Anniversary Sale.
The Senior Center, at 316 Good Ave., will hold its sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday. They have a variety of items for sale with proceeds going to support the center and its programs for area seniors.
M&W Markets, a staple of the Nyssa community for 67 years, will celebrate Friday and Saturday with cake and ice cream for all.
• Community action on Friday moves to Vale with the “Black and Blue Bowl” Nyssa vs. Vale football game. Go Bulldogs!
• Friends of the Nyssa Library will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the library. This group works to support the library in many ways. Currently, they are raising money to replace the library carpet and are looking for a few more people to join the group. For more information, stop by the library and talk with JoElle or Jenny.
• The Nyssa Chamber’s annual scarecrow contest has a theme this year – Appreciation Scarecrow. Create your scarecrow to show appreciation of someone, for example: law enforcement, nurses, military, teachers … You get the idea. Entry forms are available at Umpqua Bank, Munk Family Dental, Simpli Balanced, Eagle Eye Produce, Owyhee Metal Works and the chamber’s website. Entries are due by Oct. 20 with judging set for Oct. 30.
To submit Nyssa news, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or [email protected].
For the latest news, follow the Enterprise on Facebook and Twitter.
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