Wyatt Burbank, Isabelle Prado and Brynn Hawkins dance during Rock and Roll Day on Friday, Sept. 27, at Nyssa Elementary School. (Yolanda Diaz/Special to the Enterprise)
NYSSA – Rock and Roll Day got students and parents dancing Friday, Sept. 27, at Nyssa Elementary School.
Enrique Lopez, Giana Rojas, Giovani Rojas, Andres Vazquez, Molly Beck, Alexander Ortiz pose for a picture. (Yolanda Diaz/Special to The Enterprise)
Malea Armenta twirling. (Yolanda Diaz/Special to The Enterprise)
Brynn Hawkins with her dad Ryan Hawkins, director of district operations at Nyssa School District. (Yolanda Diaz/Special to The Enterprise)
Thalia Garcia dancing. (Yolanda Diaz/Special to The Enterprise)
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