NYSSA – Anyone who thinks that libraries are becoming obsolete can take it up with Faith Adams.
“People keep saying libraries are going away,” Adams said. “I say they’re not. They’re just changing.”
Adams’s passion for reading led her to volunteering at the Nyssa Public Library. Then a permanent job opened up and since she enjoyed her volunteer work and her kids were always using the library, she figured she would take the position.
That was 27 years ago.
Adams retired from the library last week, but continues to be a major proponent of its services.
When she started, the library only offered print books. Two decades later, Nyssa locals can rent graphic novels, download audiobooks and e-books, use scanning and fax services, and stop by for strong Wi-Fi.
People still check out a “surprising” number of print books though, said Adams.
Throughout her time at the Nyssa library, Adams said that the community has been supportive, especially because it provides entertainment for youth in the small town.
“We’re committed to the library and feel like it’s a good place to build character for young kids,” Adams said.
Keeping the library up to date and readily available is important for Nyssa kids who otherwise have limited public spaces available after school or during the summer.
Adams is proud of the additional services the library has introduced, like providing “early reader” books available to download for kids working on their reading skills who may not be able to check out books, or take care of checked out books at home.
As one of two free meeting spaces in Nyssa — the other being City Hall — the library is not as quiet as some might think,
“It’s a pretty busy place,” Adams said. From movie nights to story time events to birthday parties, Adams highlighted that the library is a community space for all.
Regardless of how the need for library services changes, Adams sees the community space as an ongoing need for Nyssa residents.
“I see that as a continual use,” Adams said.
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