
Willowcreek School playground gets FCS grant funding

Pictured left to right: Vale School District Superintendent Alisha McBride, Willowcreek Elementary School Principal Todd Shaffer, Northwest FCS Financial Specialists Heather Haueter and Becky Tucker. (Submitted photo)

Willowcreek Elementary School is one step closer to building the playground it has always wanted.

The elementary school was awarded a $1,000 Northwest Farm Credit Services Rural Community Grant that the school will use for its playground project. 

“Willowcreek Elementary would like to express our gratitude to Northwest Farm Credit Services for their support and generosity in helping move our playground project forward,” said Willowcreek Principal Todd Shaffer in a statement. “Our school and community have worked extremely hard to raise the funds necessary to improve our playground structures and we are honored to have Northwest FCS as a part of that effort.”

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