Dan Christensen, Howard Benson and Dave Roberts practice shooting at the Snake River Sportsmen gun range off Lytle Boulevard in Vale. Benson, the club’s treasurer, times the shooters. (The Enterprise/Yadira Lopez)
VALE — Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month the Snake River Sportsmen holds target practice at their gun range off Lytle Blvd, two miles south of Vale.
The club, now in its 38th year, has roughly 240 members. Memberships costs $60 for individuals and $70 for families. Every fourth Saturday of the month, the Vale range holds a practical pistol competition. Another gun range – a shotgun complex north of the airport in Ontario – also belongs to the club. More information can be found on the club’s website, www.snakeriversportsmen.com
The Snake River Sportsmen is an IRC 501 (C)(4) non-profit corporation in Malheur County. The club has two shooting ranges, an outdoor range in Vale and a shotgun complex in Ontario. (The Enterprise/Yadira Lopez)
Snake River Sportsmen club member Chris Christensen takes aim at targets against a hillside at the club’s shooting range in Vale. (The Enterprise/Yadira Lopez)
Snake River Sportsmen club member Dave Roberts practices shooting at the club’s Vale range. The club has two shooting ranges, an outdoor range in Vale and a shotgun complex in Ontario. (The Enterprise/Yadira Lopez)
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