
BLM women’s fire camp still taking applicants to Sept. 13

Bureau of Land Management Vale office. (The Enterprise/file photo)

VALE – The deadline to apply for the 2019 Women in Wildland Fire Boot Camp has been extended to Friday, Sept. 13.

Participants are compensated for training camp as well as some travel expenses. Training materials, personal protective equipment and meals will also be provided. 

Last year, the Vale District of the BLM sponsored the first wildland fire training in the Pacific Northwest geared toward women. 

Wildland firefighters play an important role in controlling and suppressing wildfires that threaten communities and natural resources, but they also use fire to strategically manage public lands.  

While the federal government employs about 15,000 firefighters annually, women hold only 12% of those jobs. 


The boot camp consists of classroom instruction and field exercises that cover firefighting techniques, tools and equipment. 

Once completed, participants will have met several entry-level requirements for seasonal employment with federal agencies and private contractors. 

Applications for the boot camp, which will be held near Juntura over two consecutive weekends, Oct. 11-13 and Oct. 18-20, will be accepted through Sept. 13. By Sept. 20, selections will be made. 

To apply, call 541-473-6297 or email [email protected]

For more information, contact Cassandra Fleckenstein at 541-473-6295.

News tip? Contact reporter Joe Siess: [email protected] or 541-473-3377. 

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