Vale softball pitcher Demia Hardin throws for a strike in a game earlier this season. Hardin and the rest of her Viking teammates will begin postseason play Friday in Vale. (The Enterprise/File).
VALE – Vale Viking and Nyssa Bulldog softball fans can converge on Vale High School Friday for post-season Eastern Oregon League district action at 1 p.m.
Nyssa (9-3) will enter district play on a six-game winning streak dating back to May 1. The Bulldogs, who finished second in EOL league standings, will face Enterprise/Joseph/Wallowa (8-4) at 1 p.m.
The winner of that game will take on league champion Vale (12-0) later Friday afternoon. Since all three teams qualified for the postseason, the Friday contests will be all about seeding for the state tournament.
Tom Snook, Vale athletic director, said the parking lot at the new middle school next to the Viking softball field will be open for the games.
Cost for the games is $6 for adults and $4 for children.
The Ontario Tiger baseball team claimed third place in Greater Oregon League standings with a 7-5 record. The Tigers will play Seaside (5-7) Friday at 5 p.m. at Ontario High School in a state play-in contest.
The Tiger softball squad (4-8) will face Molalla (8-7) in a state play-in game at 1 p.m. Saturday in Ontario.
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