
Nyssa senior center hosts yard and bake sale

Nyssa’s Senior Citizen Center, 316 Good Ave., is the site for a Yard and Bake Sale this Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

New items come in frequently, so stop on in and check out what’s new. Bonus: there are delicious treats for sale. 

Additional activities at the center include bingo at 10 a.m. Tuesdays, with lunch served at noon. On Thursdays, lunch is served at noon with Senior Game Night at 6 p.m.

•Let’s talk about flowers! 

The St. Bridget Catholic Church Youth are collecting artificial flowers to be used to decorate graves at Hilltop Memorial Cemetery for Memorial Day. If you have flowers to donate or would like to donate funds for the purchase of flowers, contact Mary Clark at 541-212-9006. 

The Nyssa flower baskets will soon be making an appearance adding beauty to our community. Sponsors and donors are needed to fund this project. The cost to sponsor a basket is $150; donations of any amount are gladly accepted. Make your check payable to the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce and mail to 105 Main Street, Nyssa, OR 97913.

To have your Nyssa news in this column, contact Susan Barton at 541-372-5455 or via e-mail [email protected].

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