• In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, a fudge sale is set for 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. next Tuesday, Feb. 12, in the cafeteria of Saint Alphonsus Medical Center in Ontario. The fudge comes from All Things Sweet. Proceeds will benefit the hospital’s volunteer organization.
• The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet will be at 5 p.m. Feb. 16 at Four Rivers Cultural Center in Ontario. For more information contact Sharon at 208-230-9976.
• At the next Malheur Country Historical Society meeting, on Feb. 14, Rod Cowgill will discuss the history of aviation of the area as he saw it growing up. Cowgill is an airplane enthusiast who has lived in Malheur County for nearly 80 years. His greatest pride and joy is that he designed, hand-built and test-piloted his own airplane.
The Society meets in Room 10, Weese Building, Treasure Valley Community College, with a meal available at 11:30 a.m. and the program starting about noon.