VALE – “The Martian Chronicles” will be discussed by members of the Vale Community Book Club at 7 p.m. this Thursday at the home of Carol Spears, 683 Cottage St. S., Vale.
Twilla Hayden will facilitate the discussion.
The book is a haunting collection of short stories by the noted science fiction author Ray Bradbury, chronicling humankind’s colonization of Mars. Bradbury begins with tales of the first three Mars expeditions, each meeting with disaster, and goes on to relate the gradual encroachment of human – and, in particular, American – civilization on Earth’s neighboring planet.
Bradbury’s varied characters come to Mars in search of revenge, glory, or simply the tranquility of a long-ago era on Earth. Their reactions to the alien environment reveal much about the society they left behind, and in the end, their notions of an escape from Earth prove illusory.
The December book selection is “Starry Night” by Debbie McCombre.
The club generally meets on the first Thursday of the month and books are obtained through the Sage network at the Vale Library. A list of the 2018-2019 book selections is posted at the library.
For information about the book club, call Lucy Hutchens, 208-739-6954, or Marge Mitchell, 208-739-6777. Review information from Bookrags online.