
Ontario needs to live within budget and the FBI oversteps line


To the Editor:

No on the sales tax! What the Ontario mayor and council do not understand is accountability!

Ontario businesses and citizens must try to live within their budgets – but, it appears that the City of Ontario feels there is a never ending supply of money that they can mismanage, never account for – and then cry big tears, promise citizens the world – and expect we’ll give them more funds with which to squander, and never account for. Wrong! 

If I have to live within my budget, which is becoming extremely difficult, then the City better pull in their belts, suck it up, and learn to live a little leaner!

What ever became of that $2 million for streets, that got “innocently” placed in the general budget and spent and no one knew how it happened?

Why am I required to fund the retirement of city employees, are they a protected class? Maybe the city, county, schools, and state should look at having a minimum of 50 percent of the PERS be paid by the employee, not by citizens who themselves cannot fund their own retirements?

Don’t promise me $680,000 for the pool if I vote for the tax – That’s a wish list, and you know it! The stupidity of the city to allow a splash park is beyond ridiculous. For less money, you could have given every household a new hose and sprinkler head for their small children. You closed down a pool to give us a free babysitting service, next to the pool – What hypocrisy! 

Come live in Ontario – We have a splash park, where no one can learn to swim, exercise, or have therapy … All 3-year-olds invited!

For every 1 cent the city will take – that is 1 cent less being spent in our Ontario businesses. Look down Oregon – what a fiasco of closed businesses, filthy sidewalks, crumbling exteriors. Instead of encouraging business to open, you are discouraging it.

Mr. Brown, for your $120,000 annual salary – where does your wife buy her clothing? Obviously, not a Walmart. This city does not need a manager for $120,000 – They need a city council and mayor with the guts to stand up and learn to live within their means. Like we do! 

Vote no – It makes sense.

E. Ann Fitch-Schiemer


 To the Editor:

I have been concerned for some time about the amount of tax money that the FBI has spent trying to get rid of President Trump. I think the FBI stepped over the line when they broke into that attorney’s office and home in New York. I feel the ones that broke in should be fined. Hopefully our Congress can get the FBI back in control.

If you feel the way I do, call out US Sen. Ron Wyden at 202-224-5244 and state Sen. Cliff Bentz at 541-889-5368.

Craig Siddoway


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