A ground breaking ceremony is set for Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at 505 Viking Drive for the new Vale Middle School. This is a conception of the new 900-seat gym at the school. (Photo courtesy of Vale School District).
VALE – After more than a few hurdles and meetings, the Vale School District is prepared to start building the new middle school.
A ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Thursday on the site of the new school located at 505 Viking Drive. The public is welcome.
Local dignitaries will join the Vale School Board and Superintendent Alisha McBride.
“We are excited to begin construction on the new Vale Middle School and are grateful for the support shown by the voters who passed the bond. Thanks to the dedication of numerous individuals, our vision is becoming a reality,” said McBride.
The school will include eight classrooms, a media center, wrestling room and a 900-seat gymnasium.
“The district will have the option of expanding educational and extracurricular opportunities for middle and high school students at the new location,” McBride said. “The new campus will serve as a valuable resource for the District and community.”
Construction is expected to be completed in May 2019.
John L. Braese: [email protected] or 541-473-3377.