
Hey, Malheur County, you’re growing

The Enterprise
Malheur County is getting just a little more crowded, based on the latest population estimates.
The county added 140 people in the past year, with Portland State University’s Population Research Center putting total population at 31,845, increasing by .4 percent.
Oregon as a whole hit 4,141,100, increasing 1.6 percent with 64,750 additional people.
The estimated census figures for cities in Malheur County varied.
Vale reported the only increase, from 1,885 to 1,915. Adrian (180) and Jordan Valley (175) reported no change in populations. PSU listed the same population this year as last for Ontario (11,465) and Nyssa (3,285).
Charles Rynerson of the Population Research Center told the Malheur Enterprise that Ontario and Nyssa have yet to respond to the center’s request for updated census. They have until mid-December to update their numbers, Rynerson said.
Neighboring counties show more growth than Malheur County. Baker County posted a 1.5 percent increase and Harney was listed with a .5 percent increase.