NOTE TO EMPLOYERS: To place a help wanted ad with the Malheur Enterprise, call us at 541-473-3377 or email [email protected]
Help Wanted for
Summer 2018
Swimming Pool Manager
Swimming Pool Assistant Manager
City of Vale
The City of Vale is seeking applicants for the position of Swimming Pool Manager and Assistant Manager for the 2018 swimming season. Applications and job requirements are available at Vale City Hall, 252 B Street W., Vale Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Applications will be accepted through September 15 2017.
The City of Vale is an equal employment opportunity employer.
Help Wanted
Merchandise auto part stores all over US. Must be 18 or over. Drivers license preferred. Transportation and lodging provided. Must be self motivated, hard worker, works well with others, follow direction, and work out of state for long periods of time. If interested contact Blue Mt Sets. 541-786-1712
Molalla, OR
Westerberg Drilling, Inc. is seeking a driller’s helper with the ability and interest to become a water well driller. Experience is not required. Year round outdoor working environment with lifting up to 100 lbs. Driver’s license with insurable record required.
Skills that are a plus:
Good arc welder, mechanical ability, ability to drive a truck, and a class A CDL. Pre-employment drug testing required Health insurance, vacation/holiday pay & retirement. Submit resume to
[email protected] or fax to 503-829-7514. Other questions call 503-209-4607. Will assist with relocation expenses to right candidate.
Help wanted: farm truck driver to haul silage.
75 days work.
Harper School is seeking applications for a School Secretary beginning immediately. Successful applicant will have knowledge of school student accounting and record keeping, be responsible for the purchasing of supplies, ODE reporting, have a valid drivers’ license, valid first aid card and pass a criminal background check. Position is full time with benefits, salary DOE. For full job description or application contact the school at 541-358-2473. Application also available on line @ under info section. Position open until filled.