By John L. Braese
The Enterprise
ADRIAN – Spectators did not see loping, galloping or trotting. What the people who lined the course saw was simple walking as the Adrian Walking Horse Race crossed the finish line on July 4.
Starting below the large A above town, horses and riders took off from the starting line at a fast paced walk. Never breaking stride from a walk, the participants made their way down the course towards the finish line downtown.
Judges were placed along the route to ensure the horses only walked.
Warren Matthews grabbed top honors in the adult class while Grace Jackson placed first in the youth division.
Following Matthews in the adult class was Andreas Eckert, second, Simon Bayes, third, Don Sappe, fourth and Justine Hicks in fifth.
In the youth classification, Jackson was followed by Parkes Wyrun, second, Lucy Martin, third, Sidney Jackson, fourth and Annie Hedt in fifth place.
Have a news tip? Contact reporter John L. Braese at 541-473-3377 or [email protected].