By John L. Braese
The Enterprise
Two horses injured during the running of this year’s Suicide Race on Sunday had to be euthanized.
Jim Mendiola, president of the Vale 4th of July Rodeo, said Monday the two horses sustained broken legs just after the beginning of the race at the top of Rhinehart Buttes, east of the rodeo grounds.
A veterinarian on the scene euthanized both horses. The riders involved were not injured.
“This is the first time I can remember having a double fatality in the 30 years I have been involved in the rodeo,” Mendiola said.
Mendiola said he did not know the identity of the two riders involved.
Six competitors entered the race, which was won by Riley Prescott of Omak, Wash. He won last year’s race as well.
Mendiola said the rodeo board has no plans to change the race at this time.
“There are horse races nationwide and sometimes things happen,” he said.