By Mitchell Willetts
Of the Enterprise
NYSSA – Nyssa’s Chamber of Commerce and the Nyssa Nite Rodeo Board expect a newfound partnership will create the most successful rodeo the town has seen in years.
The chamber of commerce is adding two new events into the thick of this week’s rodeo schedule. A cowboy breakfast is scheduled for Saturday morning at the assisted living facility, and a Family Fun Day in downtown Nyssa is planned that afternoon, featuring a host of food and family-oriented activities.
“We’re trying to draw a bigger crowd into town,” said Char Raney-McGinnis, chamber executive director. “This is the first year in several years we’re trying to work hand-in-hand with the rodeo board, trying to promote the rodeo.”
Raney-McGinnis thinks the new activities will please rodeo-goers and non-rodeo fans alike, bringing both into town earlier in the day, when stores are still open.
“It’s a huge economic boost to bring 1,000 or more people in for each of these days events,” Raney-McGinnis said. That kind of business in a town of 3,000 could be tremendous.
The chamber has put on such events before, bringing in 300 people or more, Raney-McGinnis said. With the rodeo already ongoing, she expects those numbers to be higher.
Nyssa Nite Rodeo has been successful enough on its own to enter its 72nd year.
“Last year we filled the stands,” Kim Speelman, rodeo board president said. Last year, the rodeo saw 800 attendees Friday and 900 Saturday.
But Speelman feels this one will be something special, and that many in Nyssa feel the same.
“It’s very energized, people are excited. The chamber’s got the ability to get all the businesses around involved. There’s a buzz,” Speelman said.
The chambers’ efforts helped secure sponsorships from local businesses, and a spirit of participation from the community.
The rodeo board is taking this opportunity to double down, dropping $1,000 into the prize pot for each rodeo event instead of the usual $500, hoping to tempt more cowboys and girls to compete.
So far that investment seems to be paying off, Speelman said. In the first three days of registration, 170 contestants signed up. Last year saw 210 sign ups by the time registration ended.
Speelman is hopeful about the new partnership.
“It’s the first year quite like this,” Speelman said. “So we’ll see what happens.”
Have a news tip? Call reporter Mitchell Willetts at 541-473-3377 or email via [email protected].
Nyssa Rodeo Full Schedule
6 p.m. – Slack for tie down, breakaway, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing.
7 p.m. – Pre-rodeo for mutton busting, steer riding, junior barrel racing, drill team.
8 p.m. – Rodeo with bare back bronc, tie down, ranch bronc, breakaway roping, saddle bronc, steer wrestling, businessman cow milking, team roping, barrel racing, bull riding.
7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – Cowboy Breakfast at the senior living facility.
2 p.m. – Family Fun Day in downtown Nyssa.
5 p.m. – Rodeo parade
7 p.m. – Pre-rodeo for mutton busting, steer riding, junior barrel racing, drill team.
8 p.m. – Queen coronation; rodeo with bare back bronc, tie down, ranch bronc, breakaway roping, saddle bronc, steer wrestling, businessman cow milking, team roping, barrel racing, bull riding.
Nyssa Nite Rodeo dance begins after rodeo ends