
LEGAL NOTICES — Week of March 8, 2017


Third Amended Notice of Intent – Chemical Process Mine

Calico Resources USA Corp.

On February 28, 2017, Calico Resources USA Corp. filed a Third Amended Notice of Intent to proceed with permitting under Oregon’s chemical process mining law and regulations. The mine is proposed to be located at Grassy Mountain, near Vale in Malheur County.

The Third Amended Notice of Intent addresses an expansion of the northern boundary of the Mine and Process Area by 1,500 feet on lands administered by the BLM, an expansion of approximately 199 acres, and defines the Access Road Area (approximately 876 acres) of the permit area.

The original Notice of Intent was filed February 8, 2012 and an amended Notice was filed June 11, 2012. A Second Amended Notice of Intent was filed on July 17, 2015.

State/Local Agency Contacts

Under Oregon law (ORS 517.952 – 517.989), Oregon uses a consolidated application process for administering state regulatory requirements for chemical process mines. The majority of the requirements are consolidated into a permit issued by the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI).   Other federal, state, or local permits may also be required.

Contacts for DOGAMI, the permitting and cooperating agencies, and the local government responsible for land use approval include:

Agency Name Address Contact Person

(if known)

Phone number
DOGAMI 3106 Pierce Parkway

Suite D

Springfield, OR   97477

Bob Houston 541-225-6451
Department of Environmental


233 Badgley Hall

1 University Blvd.

LaGrande, OR 97850

Randy Jones 541-962-3983
Department of State Lands 1645 NE Forbes Rd.
Bend, OR 97701
Sarah Kelly 541-388-6142
Water Resources Department 725 Summer St. NE

Salem, OR 97301

Phil Marcy 503-986-0844
Department of Agriculture 635 Capitol St. NE

Salem, OR 97301

Jim Johnson 503-986-4706
Department of Land Conservation

and Development


1011 SW Emkay Drive

Bend, OR 97702

Jon Jinings 541-318-7920
Department of Fish & Wildlife 3814 Clark Blvd.

Ontario, OR 97914

Tom Segal 541-889-6975


State Historic Preservation Office 725 Summer St. NE

Salem, OR 97301

Matt Diederich 503-986-0577
Malheur County 251 “B” St. West

Vale, OR 97918

Alvin Scott 541-473-5185



Applicant Information

The prospective applicant is: Calico Resources USA Corp., Nancy J. Wolverson, Permitting Coordinator, 665 Anderson Street, Winnemucca, NV 89445.

The proposed Grassy Mountain Gold Project is located in Malheur County, Oregon located approximately 25 miles south-southwest of Vale, Oregon. Calico is considering constructing an underground mine and surface mill complex to develop the Grassy Mountain gold resource. The Mine and Process Area is located on three (3) patented lode mining claims and unpatented lode and mill site claims, all on public land managed by the US Bureau of Land Management.

The access road is situated on public land managed by the BLM and private land controlled by others. A majority of the access road is a Malheur County Road named Twin Springs Road. The access road extends north from the Mine and Process Area to Russell Road, a paved Malheur County Road. The width of the Access Road Area is 300 feet, including 150 feet on either side of the access road centerline.   This width is used to accommodate several (9) proposed road realignments along Twin Springs Road and a powerline adjacent to the access road.

The company has filed its Third Amended Notice of Intent under OAR 632-037-0035. Under Oregon regulations, DOGAMI will provide public notice, activate a Project Coordinating Committee, activate a Technical Review Team, and inform the applicants of the names and contact persons for all permitting and cooperating agencies.

A copy of the revised Third Amended Notice of Intent is posted at http://www.oregongeology.org/mlrr/chemicalprocess_Calico-GrassyMtn.htm

A paper copy is also available at the Emma Humphrey Library (150 A Street E, Vale, OR 97918) and the Ontario Community Library (388 SW 2nd Avenue, Ontario, OR 97914).

How to Stay Informed:

US Mail

To receive future updates regarding the project by US mail, send your request and a check or money order for $5.00 to DOGAMI, Attn: Grassy Mtn List, 229 Broadalbin Street SW, Albany, OR 97321. The fee is to cover mailing costs.


To receive future updates regarding the project electronically, e-mail your request to [email protected](insert “Grassy Mtn List” in the subject line).There is no fee to be kept informed electronically.

For additional information requests, please contact DOGAMI at 541-967-2040. Please note requests may be subject to DOGAMI’s Public Records Request policy.

Publish Dates: March 8, 15, 2017




The Bank of New York Mellon fka                                  No. 16CV21208

The Bank of New York, as Trustee for                             CIVIL SUMMONS

CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates,

Series 2003-SD3,







TO THE DEFENDANTS:    Unknown Heirs of Gary Victor Moran


A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by The Bank of New York Mellon fka The Bank of New York, as Trustee for CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2003-SD3, Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Malheur County Courthouse. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff.

The object of the complaint is to foreclose a deed of trust dated June 12, 1997 and recorded as Instrument No. 97-5112 given by Gary V. Moran, a married man as his sole & separate property on property commonly known as 3011 Mountain View Circle, Jordan Valley, OR 97910 and legally described as:

Land in TERRY SUBDIVISION No. 2, situated in Govt Lots 2 and 3, Sec. 3, Twp. 30 S., R. 46 E., W.M., Malheur County, Oregon, according to the Official Plat thereof, as follows:

In Tract 11: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Tract 11;
thence N. 89° 57’ 18” W., along the North boundary thereof, 540 feet to the Northwest corner;
thence S. 2° 44’ 52” W., along the West boundary, 205.22 feet to the Southwest corner;
thence S. 89° 57’ 18” E., along the South boundary, 270 feet;
thence N. 2° 44’ 52” E., parallel with the said West boundary, 180.22 feet;
thence S. 89° 57’ 18” E., parallel with the North boundary, 270 feet, more or less, to the West boundary of Mountain View Circle right of way; thence Northerly, along the said right of way, 25 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.
 The complaint seeks to foreclose and terminate all interest of Unknown Heirs of Gary Victor Moran and all other interests in the property.

The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication of the summons is February 22, 2017.

If you are in the active military service of the United States, or believe that you may be entitled to protection of the SCRA, please contact our office. If you do not contact us, we will report to the court that we do not believe that you are protected under the SCRA.

If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www.oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636.

Attorneys for Plaintiff,

/s/. Joshua Orem

Joshua R. Orem # 116872 [[email protected]]

7632 SW Durham Road, Suite 350,

Tigard, OR 97224

Publish dates: Feb. 22, Mar. 1, 8, 15, 2017



Pursuant to ORS 275.225 the Malheur County Tax Office intends to sell the following described properties by private sale:

14749                        15S4004                        300       47                                                         Land in Malheur County, Oregon, as Follows:

In Twp. 15 S., R. 40 E., W.M.:

Sec. 4:   N½NE¼NW¼SE¼,N½N½NE¼SE¼,

This property has a real market value of $4690 on the assessment roll. An offer to purchase for $2345 has been made, which the county considers reasonable.

12240                        33S39               500                   39                                                         Land in Malheur County, Oregon, as follows:

In Twp.33 S., R. 39 E., W.M.:

Sec. 1: N½ SW¼ SW¼ NW¼

This property has a real market value of $750 on the assessment roll. An offer to purchase for $350 has been made, which the county considers reasonable.

These properties are unsuited for the construction or placement of a dwelling under applicable zoning ordinances and building codes. This sale is scheduled to close fifteen days after publication. Jennifer J Forsyth, Malheur County Tax/Treasurer, 251 B Street West, Suite 14, Vale, Oregon 97918. 541.473.5165

Publish date: March 8, 2017



On Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. at the front door of the Malheur County Sheriff’s Office, 151 B Street W, in the City of Vale, Oregon, defendant’s interest will be sold, subject to redemption, in the real property commonly known as: 1231 A ST. W (“SUBJECT PROPERTY”). The court case number is 15CV1367, where CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING, LLC, is the plaintiff, and CINDY R. PARMALEE; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1231 A ST. W, VALE, OR 97918, are the defendants. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check, in hand, made out to Malheur County Sheriff’s Office. For more information on this sale go to: www.oregonsheriffs.com/sales.htm

Publish dates: March 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017


Eco-Site is proposing to construct a 205-foot overall height monopole telecommunications structure off US Highway 95, Arock, Malheur County, Oregon (42° 53’ 00.78”N, 117° 27’ 49.18”W). The proposed structure would have FAA Style E (medium dual intensity) lighting. Eco-Site invites any interested party to request further environmental review of the proposed action under the FCC’s National Environmental Policy Act rules, 47 CFR §1.1307, by notifying the FCC of the specific reasons that the action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. This request must only raise environmental concerns and can be filed online using the FCC pleadings system at www.fcc.gov or mailed to FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 within 30 days of the date that notice of this proposed action is published on the FCC’s website. Refer to File No. A1066582 when submitting the request and to view the specific information about the proposed action. T0841

Publish date: Mar. 8, 2017


Eco-Site is proposing to construct a 205-foot overall height monopole telecommunications structure off US Highway 95, Jordan Valley, Malheur County, Oregon (43° 13’ 58.7”N, 117° 03’ 05.4”W). The proposed structure would have FAA Style E (medium dual intensity) lighting. Eco-Site invites any interested party to request further environmental review of the proposed action under the FCC’s National Environmental Policy Act rules, 47 CFR §1.1307, by notifying the FCC of the specific reasons that the action may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment. This request must only raise environmental concerns and can be filed online using the FCC pleadings system at www.fcc.gov or mailed to FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 within 30 days of the date that notice of this proposed action is published on the FCC’s website. Refer to File No. A1066587 when submitting the request and to view the specific information about the proposed action. T0842

Publish date: Mar. 8, 2017




In the Matter of the Estate of      NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS

Edna V. Arriola, Deceased.        Case No. 5959

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Patrick J. Arriola has been appointed as Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the Personal Representative at PO Box 220, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the lawyer for the Personal Representative, Larry A. Sullivan, PO Box 220, Vale, Oregon 97918 541-473-3141 [email protected].

Dated and first published: March 1, 2017

Patrick J. Arriola, Personal Representative, c/o Larry Sullivan, PO Box 220, Vale, OR 97918 (541-473-3141)

Publish Dates: March 1, 8, 15, 2017


Notice to Interested Persons

In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur

In the Matter of the Estate of Anita Peutz Case No. 5969. Notice is hereby given that Debra Ann Taylor has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative at the office of her attorneys, Butler & Looney, P.C., 292 Main St. South, P.O. Box 430, Vale, Oregon 97918, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. DATED and first published March 8, 2017.

Publish Dates March 8, 15, 22, 2017.