By Pat Caldwell
The Enterprise
Ontario – Max Arvidson can trace his involvement with Harvest House to a chance meeting in Carl’s Jr., four years ago.
It was late in the evening and Arvidson, along with his daughter Molly, visited the fast-food restaurant to get a bite to eat before heading home for the night.
As they sat and waited for their order Arvidson noticed a man sitting nearby who, he thought, was staring at his daughter.
“We were the only two there and this old bum is staring at my kid. But, right about that time I realized he wasn’t staring at Molly but at the TV,” Arvidson said.
It was at that moment Arvidson said he had an insight. He said he suddenly felt ashamed.
“In a word – embarrassed,” is how Arvidson said he felt. “That wasn’t who I was supposed to be.”
So Arvidson stood up and walked over and asked the man if he wanted something to eat.
“I bought him a No. 6 – chicken strips,” Arvidson said.
It turned out the man – Greg – was homeless and he just wanted to talk.
“So, I sat and listened,” Arvidson said.
That night ignited a friendship between the homeless man and Arvidson.
“He was living in an old 1940s blown out truck,” Arvidson said.
Arvidson tracked down Greg’s “home” – the old truck – and then began to bring him food. Eventually his friendship led Arvidson to become involved in Ontario’s Harvest House Missions. Two years ago, Arvidson became chairman of the board of Harvest House missions. The experience, Arvidson said, has been a good one and that is why he views recent news that Harvest House will close its doors at the end of the month with more than just a bit of disappointment.
“It is not something I wanted to go away,” Arvidson said.
Harvest House operates a day shelter for homeless individuals and furnishes those in need with showers, food, internet access and assistance with a variety of other items.
Established in 2003, Harvest House also manages a meals program and in 2011 furnished 34,000 meals to those in need.
Arvidson said Harvest House will close its doors for a simple reason – lack of money. Arvidson said the impact from the closure for those in need will be significant.
“I think it will be devastating if it is not replaced with something,” he said.
Arvidson said he is hopeful another non-profit organization will step forward and fill the gap left by the closure of Harvest House, especially regarding the meals program.
“I think the community will pull together and do something,” he said.
Arvidson said with Harvest House closed, the homeless issue in Ontario could worsen.
“We are an organization that has developed credibility with the people it serves,” he said.
Arvidson said he tries to check his disappointment.
“People say: What’s the point? But it (helping the homeless) is not based on outcome, it is not based on results. I wanted to learn other things I needed to know,” he said.
And he can look back to a chance meeting at Carl’s Jr., where he first realized he could give more to the community.
And his friend Greg?
“He died two years ago – alcoholism. Breaks my heart he is not here,” Arvidson said.